Thursday, April 27, 2006

Spring Fly Fishing in Key Largo: Part 4

Another long day on the ocean side with no picture.

This morning, we began near Horseshoe flats. The tarpon movement was sporatic and seldom, forcing us to spend much of the day moving to different sections of the coast. Unlike yesterday, good looks at fish were hard to come by, and when the afternoon sun hit its peak, the strong winds began.

We spent the rest of the day squinting into the water searching for tarpon. By the evening, we had a few good shots at tarpon, with one big miss. In the Horseshoe area, Dave spotted a large group of tarpon heading our way. They were spooked and changed direction. Unexpectedly, the fish turned and headed right back at us. I made second cast to them, and a large tarpon hit the fly. It was my impatience, setting the hook too quickly and improperly, which blew that opportunity. Phooey!

That was the last real chance I had the rest of the day.

Nevertheless, I had a great three days of fishing. I owe it all to my brother. Thanks man!

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