Monday, April 24, 2006

Spring Fly Fishing in Key Largo: Part 1

Well, I finally made it back to Key Largo for a second try at flats fishing with a fly rod.

Thanks to the kindness (and honor-like attitude) of my roommate, my journey began worry-free as I made it to my 6:00am flight out of Baltimore with time to spare. A three-hour layover in Chicago gave me some time to read and walk off any last minute nerves.

I arrived in Miami around 3pm, and we were cruising through the shallows near Key Largo by five. My trusty guide/big brother Dave slowed the boat down and poled us into an area known as the "Yellow Brick Road." The lighter toned bottom gave it an appearance of a winding path working its way to the Keys, and from the words of those who fish the area, the Tarpon follow the road like clockwork this time of year.

We spent about an hour-and-a-half talking about and staring at nothing, until my brother abruptly broke out with "There's a group of Tarpon! Cast there!" I made two quick casts--both falling short, and thought my day was done.

Oh, was I wrong! Just a few minutes later, a shark made its way toward the boat with two Cobia trailing close behind. I cast, added a few short strips of the line, and hooked and landed my first Cobia! The Cobia weighed in at 19lbs. Nice. After talking with a few guides in the area, it appears these fish a rare this far north. What a blessing!

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