Thursday, August 30, 2012

You win some, you lose some (Nahe River, Bad Kreuznach)

So, it was bound to happen.  So much success on German rivers; the dream couldn't last.

Upon returning to Germany a few weeks ago, I got it in my head to make a semi-spontaneous fishing trip.  Where to?  In the back of my head I remembered something about Bad Kreuznach.  I did a quick google search.  And, both my failing memory and my unwillingness to thoroughly read other postings on the area, led to a day with a lot of walking and not much else.

I got to Bad Kreuznach late in the morning, headed to the fishing shop, and quickly found out that I had made a mistake. 

"So, where should I go on the Nahe to catch some trout?"

"Trout? Come back in the spring and we'll go catch trout in the North Sea."

Hmmmm.  Not what I wanted to hear.  But, I thought I'd still give it a shot; maybe pull a bass or sunfish out of a hole or eddy. 

Once I got to the Nahe, which runs through the center of Bad Kreuznach, I realize the full extent of my mistake.  The river was virtually empty.  I scanned it over and over, only to come across three nice-sized carp wandering around near the "salt lounges" toward the edge of the town. 

I stared at the fish.  Stared at all the people lounging around, and thought, I sure as heck don't want to catch one of these fish and have those watchful eyes all around me pressuring me to kill the poor thing.  So I walked on.

All the way up to the kayaking section.  The water in the last pool was cool, smelt of the German "purification" process, and provided not one flash or strike for my streamer.  Alas, you win some, you lose some. 

Once the bank account is topped off again, I'll be headed to Nordrhein-Westfalen.  It looks juicy up in those parts.

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