Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Fly Fishing in Germany Part 11: The Gera River Erfurt and "schonzeit"

Ok, it's a week away from the first day of spring fishing.  The protected period on trout will be lifted and anglers are allowed to take home the trout they catch.  Bad news for the trout, good news for anglers.

But this also affords me the opportunity to clarify "schonzeit".  I was under the assumption that once a fish was protected in the river, then the whole river was closed down.  Not so.  The key is (especially if you want to continue trout fishing in the winter) is finding rivers that have one type of fish that is not protected during the winter period, in which trout are untouchable.  The presence of such a fish (for instance "Bachsaibling") would then allow you to also fish for trout.... unintentionally, of course.   And every trout you catch must be returned to the river, and for a conservationist like myself that's music to my ears.

Here is a video I shot this past weekend.  My hope is to fish the Schwarza River and maybe the Saale in two weeks.  But I need to get my license and secure an Erlaubnis.  Expect a blog post on the adventure.

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